- Sanctions Search – RiskAware Sanctions Searches ensure your candidate is not barred from employment due to administrative or disciplinary action taken against him or her by Government Agencies, or Regulations Boards which govern participation such as are found in Financial Services, Health Care, Transportation, Legal, or other industries. RiskAware’s provides the following types of Sanction Searches:
- Medical Sanctions Search FACIS-. o RiskAware searches the Fraud and Abuse Control Information System (FACIS) and complies with Office of Inspector General (OIG) requirements for identifying individuals whose wrong actions exclude them from participating in Medicare, Medicaid or other Federally-funded programs across all 50 states. RiskAware Medical Sanctions FACIS review contains information from OIG/GSA and 800 other federal sources from all 50 states including the following:
- Office of Inspector General (OIG)-List of Excluded Individuals/Entities
- General Services Administration (GSA)-Excluded Parties List
- Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) Lists
- FACIS (Fraud & Abuse Control Information System) Lists
- List of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN)
- Medicare & Medicaid Sanctioned, Excluded Individuals
- Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Lists
- Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) Lists
- FDA Debarment Check
- State Exclusion List
Final reports include effective and end dates of any sanction found and relevant details.
- Anti Terrorism Searchs (OFAC) – RiskAware Prohibited Parties Search checks Federal databases for prohibited parties the U.S. Government has defined as “specially designated nationals, terrorists, narcotics traffickers, blocked persons and vessels, and parties subject to various economic sanctioned programs who are forbidden from conducting business in the United States, as well as entities subject to license requirements because of their proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.” This search checks your candidate against terrorist and fugitive databases identifying individuals and organizations considered threats to global and national security. The following lists are searched to confirm applicant eligibility for hire:
- Terrorism Sanction Regulations Lists
- U.S. Treasury Lists
- Department of State Trade Control (DTC) Debarred Parties
- Federal Reserve,
- U.S. Office of the Comptroller of Currency,
- European Union etc.
- Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) List of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and Blocked Persons
- Politically Exposed Persons List
- FBI Most Wanted Terrorists List
- FBI Top Ten Most Wanted List
- U.S. Secret Service Most Wanted Fugitives
- United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List
- Interpol Most Wanted List
- European Union Terrorist List
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Most Wanted
- Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade List
- Russian Federal Fugitives
- Scotland Yard’s Most Wanted
- World’s Most Wanted Fugitives
Prohibited Party Searches ensure compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley, the Patriot Act, FDIC and FFIEC regulations and requirements implemented to protect America. The Department of Homeland Security recommends these checks for any candidate working in industries targeted by terrorists, such as Chemical, Information Systems, Food and Agriculture, Water, Telecommunications, Energy, Banking and Finance.