As a volunteer or non-profit organization, you serve an important mission that is focused on helping others. Every non-profit’s success depends on the efforts of trust worthy and talented volunteers. When hiring for these organizations, you must assure the trust of those you serve. It is important therefore that careful attention be paid to qualify acceptable employees or volunteers in order to create the safest environment possible for both your public and your greater organization members and volunteers. Unfortunately, non-profits have to be on the watch for predators who join volunteer organization in hopes of targeting children and other defenseless individuals, but small budgets and limited staff make it challenging to support the kind of background screening programs that best protect your constituents’ interests.

RiskAware offers comprehensive and affordable background screenings products for your employees and volunteers that protects the vulnerable populations you serve. RiskAware background searches are supervised by Licensed Private Investigators and check for criminal activity, sex offenses, government and financial sanctions, amongst other low cost searches; to help non-profit and volunteer organizations maintain a safe environment by reducing risk and costly liability from lawsuits that affect the reputation you strive to protect and serve.

Volunteer & Non-Profit Packages:

Executive Director Staff Volunteer
Recommended Search Package:
Social Security Number Trace favicon favicon favicon
National Criminal Record Database Search favicon favicon favicon
Sex Offender Registry favicon favicon favicon
County Criminal Records Search (7 years or 3 counties) favicon favicon
Motor Vehicle Record Check favicon
Red Flag favicon favicon favicon
Optional Recommended Searches:
Education Verification favicon
Employment Verification favicon
Professional License / Credential Verification favicon
Sanctions Check favicon
Drug & Alcohol Testing favicon
Social Media Check favicon

