Since 09/11, the Background Screening needs of the Financial Services Industry have been particularly shaped by legislation protecting financial markets from threats that scale from teller theft to widespread acts of terrorism. The US Patriot Act, Sarbanes Oxley requirements, FDIC guidelines and other impactful “know your customer” government legislation require careful attention and deliberate interpretation into your organizations screening practices in order to remain in compliance. You are accountable for the access you have given your financial services workers to consumer’s income, savings, credit facilities, retirement accounts, and lending capital. Most employees have access to sensitive information at their fingertips, magnifying the importance of your Background Check Screening practices to the protection of assets, one of which is your organization’s reputation and trust.

RiskAware understands the needs of the financial services industry and the importance of keeping sensitive data protected by carefully selecting applicants. A thorough RiskAware Background Check will improve your understanding of an applicant’s history and help assess their track record with handling money. Criminal History, Drug, Credit, and Social Media screenings conducted by Licensed Private Investigators helps ensure that issues of ethical integrity and character are spotted and evaluated. Also RiskAware checks applicants against sanction and watch lists aiding Financial Services organizations in maintaining compliance with the Patriot Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, FFIEC, FDIC requirements and other regulations.

Financial Services Packages:

Executive Manager Staff
Recommended Search Package:
Social Security Number Trace favicon favicon favicon
National Criminal Record Database Search favicon favicon favicon
Sex Offender Registry favicon favicon favicon
County Criminal Records Search (7 years or 3 counties) favicon favicon favicon
Federal Criminal Record Search favicon favicon favicon
County Civil Record Search favicon
Education Verification favicon favicon
Employment Verification favicon
Credit Report favicon favicon
Federal Bankruptcy Check favicon favicon favicon
Sanctions Check favicon favicon
Red Flag favicon favicon
Optional Recommended Searches:
Professional License / Credential Verification favicon
Motor Vehicle Record Check favicon
Drug & Alcohol Testing favicon
Social Media Check favicon