The health care industry imposes significant regulation and scrutiny on its workforce. This stems both from the nature of the contact, care, and decision making ability medical workers are afforded when working closely with our loved ones, as well as to the access workers have to private health information and confidential financial information. Today more than ever, your screening process looks comprehensively not only at prospective employees’ character and criminal pasts, but also into their conduct in dealing with information, and finances especially as it relates to their obligations working with government agencies such as Medicaid, and insurance providers.

RiskAware understands the complex laws and regulations governing the health care marketplace and offers effective screening solutions needed to help you make decisions best ensuring patient and staff safety, information security, and financial network responsibility. RiskAware is necessarily thorough in verifying candidate credentials including education, experience, and licensure; conducting criminal investigations, and assuring no past track record of payment network fraud. 100% of RiskAware searches are supervised by Licensed Private Investigators. At the same time, Health Care employers look for effective online tools that eliminate process steps in managing Background Screens and Drug Tests through one integrated system tool, to speed results and improve workflows.

Health Care Packages:

Screen Type: Doctors / Nurses Health Aide Support Staff
Recommended Search Package:
Social Security Number Trace favicon favicon favicon
National Criminal Record Database Search favicon favicon favicon
Sex Offender Registry favicon favicon favicon
County Criminal Records Search (7 years or 3 counties) favicon favicon favicon
Education Verification favicon favicon favicon
Employment Verification favicon favicon favicon
Professional License / Credential Verification favicon favicon favicon
Motor Vehicle Record Check favicon favicon favicon
Sanctions Check favicon favicon favicon
Drug & Alcohol Testing favicon favicon favicon
Federal Criminal Record Search favicon
Red Flag favicon favicon favicon
Optional Recommended Searches:
Social Media Check favicon

