As a partner with you in your background check and communications needs, we treat your business as we would our own. Read for yourself – the following are real examples of how RiskAware has helped a variety of clients meet their needs.

Case Study 1: RiskAware helps clients sleep better at night

A small, private school in New England switched from their current supplier to RiskAware in 2009 due to issues with false hits (criminal records being returned for their applicant that belong to another person), turnaround times averaging 7 days and customer service issues. Their chief complaint was that anytime they had a question, they had to call a customer service number or send an email to a generic address, and it would sometimes take days to receive a response – and then the response usually wasn’t very “helpful.” They made the transition to RiskAware because of the customer service and Private Investigator services we offer. Their decision maker now says that, because of RiskAware, she “sleeps better at night.”

Case Study 2: RiskAware makes the process easy for everyone

A large midwestern university previously processed all requests for background checks through their Human Resources Department. Because of the high volume of checks they required, keeping track of so many new hires became a daunting task. RiskAware worked with them to develop a self-service feature, where applicants receive an email link to our website and fill out their own profile information. RiskAware processes the searches and then results are viewed by the Human Resources Department. Assigning data entry to the applicant takes a huge administrative burden off the HR staff at the university and simplifies the process for everyone.

Case Study 3: Private Investigators manage all accounts

Frustrated with their former vendor, a large recruiting firm approached RiskAware in March of 2008. Members of the company had read Dr. Hughes’ published works and were impressed with our focus on the Higher Education market. Since their focus is on high-profile positions in universities, they were interested in our approach of having all background searches reviewed by Licensed Private Investigators. They required a comprehensive background check package, including criminal and civil searches, education and employment verifications, motor vehicle reports, and media searches. RiskAware was able to put together packages as well as a la carte options that continue to meet all of these needs, and provide a significant amount of personal attention to this client as well.

Case Study 4: RiskAware works with your specific needs

After running a “standard” background check package for several months, one of our clients needed to add international criminal searches to the mix. Their RiskAware account managers worked to develop a package that met their specific needs. This college has been a client since 2007 and continues to be very pleased with the service they receive – so pleased, they have recommended RiskAware’s services to a number of other universities.

Case Study 5: RiskAware acts quickly & decisively to move your searches through the process

A few years ago, one client’s search through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSCH) turned up no records for the applicant. RiskAware immediately contacted the school in question directly, but we were told they were unable to confirm degrees because of the contract they had with NSCH. With no other options, we informed our client we were unable to verify the degree information provided.

The applicant disputed the information provided from the NSCH and provided a copy of the degree to the client. The client promptly contacted their RiskAware account manager and informed us of the conflict. Immediately, the client’s account manager again contacted the university in question, located the right person, explained the issue and requested the university pull the applicant’s file to verify the degree directly.

The university was able to confirm the degree and the error made by the National Student Clearinghouse. The applicant’s report was updated in our system with the correct information and the situation was explained to the client. Additionally, RiskAware provided the correct information to the NSCH to prevent any further misinformation and problems for that applicant.

This is an example of the quick, decisive manner in which your account manager will handle any issues or problems that may arise with your reports. Our account managers “own” their accounts and are empowered to take any action deemed necessary to ensure client satisfaction, so customer service issues are rare and, when they do arise, are resolved quickly.
