Red Flag provides continual risk management in the following areas:

  • Inappropriate Manager / Employee Conduct

    Use Red Flag to report potential conduct and behavioral issues or exposures, to better manage harm or threats imposed on your employees, customers, or vendors by other members of your community.

  • Fraud Reporting

    Red Flag by RiskAware can be used by your company’s employees to report observed incidents of fraud, theft, or fiduciary irresponsibility that are observed internally, potentially saving your organization significant and compounding losses that would otherwise take longer periods of time to notice in financial reconciliations.

  • “Whistle blower” Events

    Provide an internal organizational tool for reporting events, behaviors, or concerns that may have implications or consequences harming to your organization and its reputation. Prevent your community from using external, anonymous “whistleblowing” web sites that publically name and accuse your organization of wrongdoing, by providing an internal option that brings immediate attention and remedy to concerns before they are publically escalated.

  • Ethics violations

    Use Red Flag to capture reports of unethical behaviors promoted by your company’s employees, management, vendors, and/or clients, and safeguard your investments into Ethics programs which by protecting and supporting codes of conduct. Red Flag as an “always on”, enterprise-wide communication tool for reporting instances of ethics violations.

  • Gratuity / Gifts / Undue Influence

    Use Red Flag to enable communication on any misuse of influence by reporting inappropriate solicitations from employees, clients, or vendors on gifts or gratuities in excess of company policies and prescribed amounts and which pose integrity risks to your supply chains, or process.
