Civil Litigation Court Records Search: RiskAware’s Civil Suit Records Check identifies applicants who were either plaintiffs or defendants in past civil proceedings. This history may establish a candidate’s tendency of suing or being sued that increase an employer’s risk of lawsuit in hiring the applicant. Civil records uncover liens and cases involving violations of trade secrets and non-compete agreements. Civil suit records will indicate the nature of the complaint, filing dates, case status, names of plaintiffs and defendants and judgments. This type of search is most typically used when tied closely to a particular job function and company policies, to help avoid EEOC violations. Civil records are available nationally on the federal level or on the state level by county.
Federal Civil Suit Search –A search for records of the applicant as either a plaintiff or defendant in a federal civil lawsuit within a specified District. Federal Civil Suit Searches are performed by searching electronics records through PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) or by engaging our extensive national network of Court Runners to retrieve information requested by RiskAware directly from the Federal Court.
County Civil Suit Search – A search for records of the applicant as either a plaintiff or defendant in a civil lawsuit at the county level. Detects disputes between private parties (i.e., contracts), liens, law suits, paternity suits, domestic disputes, divorce, restraining orders, negligent acts that cause harm to others (i.e., injury due to a car accident), and other such legal proceedings which are not criminal in nature but which indicate a pattern of legal behavior that may pose a risk to the employer. County Civil Suit Search records are obtained directly and in person from county courthouses by engaging our national network of Court Runners dispatched to more than 3,400 U.S. counties..